Heart Chakra Meditation

Heart Chakra Meditation


Heart Chakra 💚

Your Heart Chakra, Anahata, is located at the center of your chest and is connected to your heart, lungs, diaphragm, arms, and hands. Associated with the element air and your sense of touch. This chakra relates to opening your heart, forgiveness, healing, complete, gratitude and of course LOVE.

Signs your heart chakra might be blocked:

Always putting others first, people pleasing, trust issues, relationship issues, issues with self-love, struggling to let your walls down, taking everything personally, loneliness and antisocial; breast, lung, heart, respiratory issues, tension in upper back & shoulders.

Positive Qualities: love, forgiveness, letting go in order to feel free, acceptance, trust, compassionate, gratitude, healing, self-love, connection.

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