Crown Chakra Meditation

Crown Chakra Meditation


Crown Chakra ๐Ÿ’œ

Your Crown Chakra, Sahasrara, sits at the top of your head. It is related to pure consciousness and is our closest connection to the divine. This Chakra connects you with universal knowledge & sacred consciousness. It is the bridge between earth and heaven and the gateway to the divine and oneness with all of creation.

Signs your Crown Chakra might be blocked: you donโ€™t trust a higher power/ the universe, or their plan for your life, Depression, skepticism, apathy, OCD, God-complex, mental illness, busy mind, headaches, anxiety, isolation, you donโ€™t feel connected to your environment, community, yourself, insomnia.

Positive Qualities: Enlightenment, trusting the universes, feeling blissful and complete joy, happiness & fulfillment , connected to the divine, angels & the universe, Divinely inspired ideas, alignment, feels like your in the flow, awareness, unity, community, understanding, grace, oneness with everything, cascading flows of kindness & inspiration.

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