Throat Chakra Meditation

Throat Chakra Meditation


Throat Chakra đź’™

Your Throat Chakra, Vishuddha, is located in the center of your throat, and it hold the frequency of sound. Communication & expression originates in your Throat Chakra. This is your “Truth” center, by staying true to you and what your soul, not your ego, needs.

Signs your Throat Chakra might be blocked:

Scared to speak up, quiet, afraid of being judged, poor listener, talks too much and too loudly, scared to live your purpose, afraid to take up “space” & express yourself, feels small & unwelcomed , reacts when triggered, struggles to keep your word, sore throats; thyroid, dental, sinus, tonsillitis, jaw issues.

Positive Qualities: speaks truth with love & kindness, great listener, is authentic to themselves, unapologetically stays true to themselves, speaks their truth , isn’t afraid to live their life purpose, honest, integrity, lives life purposefully, authentic expressive , powerful voice, great communicator.

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